Friday, December 4, 2020

There's Poetry in Science

 Of all the confusion it offers, 

Science has been sane enough to teach me this one little but intriguing fact,

millions of tiny things have always assembled to form something huge,

and if we are able to control the tiny stuff,

the bigger stuff automatically gets in our hands -

play with the genes and the whole tissue starts behaving differently!

change the substrate given to a bunch of cells and see how the product modifies!

Electrons, protons, and neutrons make small atoms,

atoms make up molecules,

molecules combine to form compounds,

these compounds when arranged strategically make cells,

and cells make up the living.

But once a cell is made,

though we already know which tiny stuff have combined to make it,

we still are far behind on finding how these work together to perform functions that are next to miracles.

How 'the tiny' have worked together to create 'the huge' 

is forgotten every time something huge is created. 

Maybe that's how people make themselves to be.


in tiny bits,

one habit after another,

until they become something that they themselves can't give meaning to. 

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