Monday, December 16, 2019

There’s more to us

Don’t just tell me you love music.
It’s not enough.
You don’t simply love anything until it does something to yourself.
So, tell me what music does to your mind.
When listening your favourite song, does relief creeps in your veins and makes you close your eyes sometimes? Or suddenly opens them wide instead?
Does it make you travel time?
Does your mind keep music and weed in the same category?
Do mountains give you rhythm? Or do they provide you peace? Are rhythm and peace even different things in your mind?

Tell me how often you keep your headphones with you. 
If your answer is “all the time”,
is it because you like zoning out from the crowd ?or do you love to watch the world around yourself with a background music all along the while?

How often do you realise you had been humming tunes? 
Humming are like dreams, you see!
you’d never know when they started. Sometimes, you’d not even recall that they existed.

Don’t bring me hefty music instruments,
Tap on the table and show me you know rhythm.
Sing me the truest lyrics you know of,
I’ll understand.

So yeah,
the favourite colour is blue.
Nothing can replace Chicken tikka masala and pizza and tunde kebab. 
With no better reason, I love Harry Potter.
God just might be there. Or maybe not!
Hills over beaches. 
DNA is the secret. 
World peace is a myth.

But do they matter? 

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