Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thank you winter (Prose)

You pushed me down on my knees and made me face your freeze,
So that someday I could cherish the summer sun,
Someday I could feel the beauty of autumn,
Someday I could breathe in the spring's aroma to fill my lungs with vibrant shades.

You made me face your wrath and showed me how strong I was.

You remind me of the color BLACK - absorbing every bit of light just for us to see the brightness of WHITE.

No wonder TOP has always been supported by the underrated BOTTOMS

Without you, blooming flowers have no meaning
Without you, being strong was a mere act
For what is HAPPY without some bits of SAD?

You're no Sinner
You're the 'dark bottom' lifting the 'white top'
You're a silent lover.

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